Thursday, November 4, 2010


My windows are opened 
            a tricky breeze comes beside
It begs me to stop crying.....
            Nobody can see my grief
Surroundings filled with silence

            I pray for my beloved one  
I felt wet and my throat  was in bitter taste.
            Memories stifle with pain,

harmfully i thrash my breast. 
            Even as i curse the gruelling fate
Hectic thoughts moving around the head,beneath 

            the shadows are singing and dancing.
My furious arms fling the vase and flowers.
            I walks through with heavy steps
Broken pieces stung my foot
            Pull my face into knees and
crying with a murmuring voice.......
           Sweating warm air  Swinging objects

Rising thoughts  Lonely fate
            that i desired to cry aloud
Freezing tongue makes me sobbed
            Distress filling darkness being blind.
Sorrows are not overflowing ,
            my heart will ready to outburst...
While my windows are opened
            a tricky breeze comes beside
and it begs me to stop crying.....
            Sublime truth come forward
It preface gospel quatrain
            and embracing me gracefully
It sprays heavenly water
            that lighten my face with joy
Slowly i recovered from my melancholy
            of its coldly supernatural hands
Suddenly i am flying like a mist.....
            Moving outside with pathetic breeze
I send out to a wonder world of excellence
            Rainy forest contains whistling trees ,
sunny spots and mystic evergreen valley of
            fragrant flowers with different colours... 
Glittering tiny butterflies pattering
            through out the downy flowers...
Warbler whitish stream flowing
            surround the valley....
Succour breeze soften my
            face in love and touching
calmly with its icy hands......
             An undying end absconding me
from painfully lonely life........ 
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